Quick Start

If you are familiar with Errbot and Stackstorm, this guide will get you up and running in no time. For in-depth information, refer to Installation and Configuration

  1. Enable Errbot’s webserver:

    !repos install https://github.com/tkit/errbot-plugin-webserverconfiguration
  2. Paste the sample configuration below in Errbot’s config.py file adjusting the URLs to match your Stackstorm instance and set up one of the authentication methods:

    'auth_url': 'https://your.stackstorm.com/auth/v1',
    'api_url': 'https://your.stackstorm.com/api/v1',
    'stream_url': 'https://your.stackstorm.com/stream/v1',
    'route_key': 'errbot',
    'plugin_prefix': 'st2',
    'verify_cert': True,
    'secrets_store': 'cleartext',
    'api_auth': {
        'user': {
            'name': 'my_username',
            'password': "my_password",
        'token': "<User token>",
        'apikey': '<API Key>'
    'rbac_auth': {
        'standalone': {},
    'timer_update': 900, #  Unit: second.  Interval to check the user token is still valid.
  1. Install err-stackstorm:

    !repos install https://github.com/nzlosh/err-stackstorm.git
  2. Install ChatOps pack on Stackstorm and copy this rule to it.

  3. Edit the chatops/actions/post_message.yaml file and replace chatops with errbot.

  4. Set up an action alias on Stackstorm. See action_alias for more details.

  5. Sending !st2help to your bot will list the available Stackstorms’s aliases.

  6. Aliases can be run like this: !st2 run date on


st2chatops does not have to be running on your StackStorm instance. This plugin replaces st2chatops.