Getting Started


err-stackstorm is a community project to bring StackStorm ChatOps to Errbot. No commercial support is provided by StackStorm. err-stackstorm exposes Stackstorm’s Action Aliases to your chat environment, where you and your team can manage aspects of infrastructure and code.

The objectives for err-stackstorm project are:
  1. Emulate hubot-stackstorm features.
  2. Provide a Python friendly ChatOps solution.
  3. Respect StackStorm’s enterprise offering.
  4. Maintain the same high quality as the StackStorm project.
  5. Collaborate with the StackStorm community to evolve ChatOps features.


err-stackstorm communicates directly with the StackStorm API from with an errbot instance.

  • List action-alias help dynamically. When StackStorm action-aliases are updated, they are immediately available in the err-stackstorm output. Filtering by pack name and keyword can be used when looking for help.
  • Access-Control Lists based on any combination of chat username, command and room. ACLs are defined in the errbot configuration file.
  • Associate StackStorm user credentials with chat usernames. Client-Side authenticate lets err-stackstorm dynamically map chat user accounts with StackStorm authenicated users. Credentials are passed via an out of band authentication web page.
  • Trigger action-aliases directly from the bot.
  • Support for multiple chat backends, as provided by errbot.
  • Customise plugin prefix.
  • Customise StackStorm route key to allow more than one bot to be connected to a single StackStorm instance.
  • Docker image available to get up and running quickly and easily.
  • Python based using modern 3.6 features.


The plugin has been developed and tested against the below software combinations. Because you might be running different Python or Errbot versions, the below are the optimal combinations:

Ideal Combination of Versions
err-stackstorm Python Errbot Stackstorm Client
2.1 3.6+ 6.0.0 not used
2.0 3.4 5.2.0 2.10
1.4 3.4 5.1.2 2.5
1.3 3.4 5.1.2 2.5
1.2 3.4 5.0 2.2
1.1 3.4 4.3 2.2
1.0 2.7 3.x 2.1

Supported Chat Backends

Errbot provides official support for most major chat back-ends and many more chat back-ends are available through unofficial plugins.

Supported Chat Backends
Backend Mode value Support Type
Slack slack Integrated
Text text Integrated
XMPP xmpp Integrated
Mattermost mattermost Plugin
Rocket Chat aoikrocketchaterrbot Plugin
Gitter gitter Plugin
Discord discord Plugin

Backend support provides a minimum set of operations such as connect and authentication methods along with ways to identify and send messages to users/rooms.

Advanced formatting may not be available on all backends since additional code would be required in err-stackstorm to translate Stackstorm’s Action Aliases extra parameter.

Backends that currently support nice (extra) formatting:

  • Slack
  • XMPP