Action Aliases


This section assumes you have little to no familiarity with Stackstorm. If that’s not the case, you may skip it.


Action Aliases is a Stackstorm feature that helps exposing actions to the bot. Their main purpose is to provide a simple human readable representation of actions, very useful in text-based interfaces, notable ChatOps.

Generally speaking, you can expose any action to the bot. You can list them using st2 action-alias list.

Creating a simple action alias

Let’s create a simple action alias to demonstrate err-stackstorm. Aliases are deployed via packs so let’s create one quickly:

mkdir -p /<st2path>/packs/errtest/aliases

Create a file inside the aliases folder named run_remote.yaml and paste the yaml defined below:

name: "local_shell_cmd"
action_ref: "core.local"
description: "Execute a command on a remote host via SSH."
  - "run {{cmd}}"
  format: "operation completed {~} {{ execution.result }}"

After that, ask Stackstorm to reload its configuration:

st2ctl reload --register-all


Errbot will automatically refresh its action alias list when you add or remove aliases on Stackstorm. Type !st2help to your bot on the chat to list available StackStorm commands.

In this example local_shell_cmd is an alias for the core.local action. If you want to run a command against a remote host, you could have used the core.remote action.

The supported format for the alias is specified in the formats field. A single alias can support multiple formats for the same action. The result will then be returned to err-stackstorm and Errbot will propagate that back to your chat backend.


Once the alias is setup, talk to your bot and type:

!st2 run date

The bot will answer your request using the result.format definition:

operation completed {~} Sun Jul  7 02:08:58 PDT 2019

Advanced Formatting

See also

Don’t forget to check ST2’s official documentation on Action Aliases.

Here’s an example of an Alias that runs a command on a list of remote hosts and outputs the results nicely formatted on Slack.

name: "remote_shell_cmd"
action_ref: "core.remote"
description: "Execute a command on a remote host via SSH."
  - "run {{cmd}} on {{hosts}}"
   format: |
      Ran command *{{execution.parameters.cmd}}* on *{{ execution.result | length }}* hosts.

      {% for host in execution.result %}
      \*Host\*: {{host}} {{ ":white_check_mark:" if execution.result[host].stdout else ":x:" }}
      \`\`\`{{ execution.result[host].stdout or execution.result[host].stderr or "No result"}}\`\`\`
      {% endfor %}

The alias above will format the execution output per host once it gathers the results. The sheer amount backticks and escaping are due to particularities between Errbot and Slack - this may not work in another chat backend.

This is how the bot will answer you on Slack:



Advanced formatting may not be available to all chat backends since each backend requires specific code to translate ST2’s extra parameter.